Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hair weave damage??

ok my hair is slightly damaged from sewing in hair extensions and whatnot..its because i relaxed my hair then put the extensions s0o yeaa its not a suprise to mee that my hair is damaged but anywaysss my bday is comin and i wanted to color my hair and put extensions bday is feb 11..but as of now it looks like my hair cant handle that...s0o i was just wondering whats some things i can do soo my hair can be in good condition soo i can have my hair nice for my bday..i was thinkin bout cuttin my ends and gettin a deep conditioner and/or get cornrows cuz usually my hair recovers when i get it braided....any more suggestions?? thnx

Hair weave damage??

Trim the ends,after you shampoo your hair get a deep conditionning or hot oil treatments.stay away from hair straighteners.Don't relax your hair too much.I suggenst that you wait a month before you put weave in your hair yeah by the time your bday comes you'll be able braid your hair or do something with it.If you want to color your hair ,make sure it's a rinse,other wise if you put a permanent color,your hair is going to fall out.and be damaged.

good luck

Hair weave damage??

v05 hot oil treatments work wonders on damaged hair

Hair weave damage??

Definitely trim your ends and get a hot oil treatment. Also, use some leave in conditionar like cholestorol. You should look at getting a super cute wig! They have all different styles and stuff and you can wear your hair however you want without any damage! Make sure you get it fitted and pick a color and style that works for your look. I think a nice long, big curl style would be fabulous for a b-day!

Hair weave damage??

NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER relax and sew in all in the same day its to much tension on the hair. I don't know if you get your entire head braided then sewn with just the perimeter left out or if you just get part of your hair braided with tracks sewn in between your natural hair. If you only leave the perimeter out than you can relax the edges of your hair otherwise relax first wait a week or so then add weave.

Get your ends trimmed and only get an hot oil treatment if your hair is dry. yes you need a deep conditioner it's a product called MURAD that's for damaged hair it also has a hair serum that's great but it's a professional product you may be able to try to find a web site about it I'm not sure. Do this and you should be good by your birthday but I would get right on it if I were you. GOOD LUCK!!!

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