Friday, November 13, 2009

Black Hair Questions?

im thinking about going natural. and what i want know is:

is it safe to blow dry my hair when its in a natural state?

how can i minimize the breakage while my natural hair starts to grow back in?(i really don't want to cut my hair off just yet)

is it true hair grows faster when its in braids?

Black Hair Questions?

i used to perm my hair and went nartural. i recommend it, and i'll try to answer your questions:

1. yes its safe to blow dry your hair when it is natural. just not every day as, with all hair, the heat will damage it. sometimes i let it air dry though.

2. what i did was as my natural hair grew i straightened the curly part to make it blend more, or a cornrowed it. then after it grew quite a bit i slowly snipped the dead ends (where your hair has the perm) i didn't cut it all at once because i was too scared that it would be too short...:)

3. i think hair does grow a bit faster in braids unless they're too tight then it will break your hair.

hope i helped you, and good luck!!

Black Hair Questions?

1. It's safe to blowdry your hair in a natural state but your hair will remain healthier with minimal direct heat

2. You can minimize breakage while transitioning to a natural state by keeping your hair moisturized with non mineral oil/petro moisturizers and deep conditioning treatments

3. Your hair appears to grow faster in braids because your strands are protected and the opportunity for breakage is decreased.

There are a ton of good websites that are filled with information for transitioning from relaxed to natural. My favorite is, their discussion forums have a wealth of information. There is also, and that have great tips for natural and relaxed haircare.

Black Hair Questions?

although, hair don't grow faster in braids- it's the gentle tugging and lack of abuse that promotes growth.

Ya know this tho: as a man- we often like those those short-short, naturally curly, non-Do's ? get you some little posts, pucker those lips, flip those eye lashes and just say: "take me as I am" --with a lot of drama :) and I will put you in a head lock, even !!! seee what I'm sayin??

Black Hair Questions?

Limit your use of heated hair appliances. Too much heat causes the hair to become dry, brittle, and eventually break off. If you must use the blow dryer use a hair dressing on your hair before blow drying.

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